What is your goal for today, for this training session? Is the goal you have set for this particular practice session SMART?
S- Is it specific? (I will run x-amount of minutes at threshold pace) rather than general (I’ll do my best today)
M- Is it measurable? (Does it have a specific time, distance, heart rate, number of intervals, number of reps, etc.)?
A- Is it agreeable? Is it your goal, and you are committed to it, or is it somebody else’s goal? Is it action oriented?
Meaning, is it something that you need to do, and is this under your control or do other athletes control it?
R- Is it realistic? Is it within your reach, and is it challenging. Or is it too easy, or too hard?
T- Is it time limited? Meaning, is it achievable today?
These are great questions to ask yourself before every training session that we do. Learn to maximize your run workouts by establishing daily goals and working efficiently to achieve them.
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